Exercise is the new prescription for Depression!

Lady stretching

According to an article posted by National Public Radio, engaging in physical activity is known to bring about an euphoric sensation.  Based on a recent study in the journal, Lancet Psychiatry, exercise can ease things like panic attacks or mood and sleep disorders. This study also found that popular team sports may have a slight edge over the other forms of physical activity. 

Here are a few suggestions on how to get started. Match your skill level. It's not hard to find amateur sports teams to join, on sites like meetup.com. A lot of workplaces also have team sport activities, you want to make sure the skill level is right for you. You're more likely to have a good experience and want to go back. "There is nothing worse than being on a team where the skill or intensity of the players is way above or below your own level or the level of competition you were looking for. Join a run or bike club. If you're not into team games, go to your local run shop or bike shop to find run communities, bike clubs or community rides to join. Put money on the line. If you really aren't into team activities, getting a personal trainer or signing up for a gym can "help add a social element, and that all important accountability." Finally, try the obvious thing first.  Consider the activities you've done throughout your life and think about which ones worked best for you.